Got out early-ish on my own, and took a bunch longer than Tray was happy with which meant they'd pretty much finished packing up by the time I got back. I went up Translator Rd for a start, then followed Mining Claim all the way to the end, then got muddled on Tail Race, and ended up pushing back up to the waterrace. Around this and back up Translator, climbing all the way up to the top of Hepi's Highway, then taking this all the way down to the very end, below waterrace, in the Cemetery. From here, rode back down a little into Scobie's, down this a bit, and then thought, I'll get across there... nope. big fence in the way. So, back up to Scobies, up this to waterrace, around drop down and up and around to Hoffman's, up this around the edge of the dam, nice, and started climbing but then thought, nah, and stayed on the dam and across to Pig Root. Climbed up over and down to the waterrace again. around, and down Undaunted, basically where we'd ridden a couple years back. Stupid climby bits, over and over again... ugh. Then down Wet Gulley Rd and dropped into the sand pit, taking Roaches Gully, which also went up and down, but had some fun bits, and finally, along the road back to base where i was in trouble for being so long! 14 kms, and again, just over 200m climbed.
Car was pretty much fully packed, so we went out for another family spin. This time, up Translator Rd, climbing to Hepi's, down to Canvas Town, left, down this and then into Down and Out, back up Tranlator, into Mining Claim and Sluice Alley again, around the Waterrace and down Moonscape. Less than 6 kms, 106m climbed.