Into the trail, sticking close to Ian's tail, really enjoyed all the switchbacks, and was very pleased to find all of them rideable and not one was nearly as bad as anything on the 629. Awesome descent, and he warned me well before the first grunty wee climb turned up, gear shifted early, and upwards for a bit, then into douglas fir forest, and a few ups and downs, twists and turns. All the time i felt like Ian was holding back in order to guide me through. I reckon he could easily have ripped through here, and i would have followed merrily, probably being caught out here or there. Was a wee while and we rolled down and through out to Bob's Fern Rd. Here, instead of dropping straight in, we treadled further up the road to higher up the Scottswood Wiggles and tucked in here.
Flat out down, weaving and wending through the forest, transitioning into Lancewood Wiggles, and on down and through, flowing and speeding, bridges came and went, climbs too. Eventually, popped out onto the other end of Bob's Fern Rd. Across, and into
And, finally, What the DOCtor ordered. A little less tech, but some really blasty speediness, and the odd off camber corner that would SO catch you out if you weren't onto it. Eventually, we were rolling down the bottom of the valley, and I was like, Wow, is that the end? and it was. Rolled on out, down the last of the gravel, over the gate and back to the truck, an hour and a quarter after leaving the top of R&R. Nice! a longer downhill than ascent!
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