Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Tuesday Afternoon Jaunt, There and Back

At the bach for Easter, no bikes present, just walks and swims.  Home earlier than expected on Tuesday (teacher's only day for kids), so had time to get a daylight ride.

Up from home, keeping it puffing on the way up, then grovelling up the grovel from the skidder.  Up through for a water refill at Brake Free then up the Worm and onto the Traverse.  Not a bad ride around here, keeping the heart-rate up and pushin' on.  Paused at Four Pause for a pause, but decided to just stay up high today (couldn't face more climbing than necessary).  Across to Vernon, clambered up this and then blasted down, flying across the Rapaki-top and straight into the Witch, shifting down as I climbed then cleaning (only just) all of the tech and motoring around to the high point, stopping for a well earned break.  

Rolling again, up the road cruising nicely to the top of Castle, pausing only briefly before dropping in.  Slightly pingy blast down here, but cleaning it, no close calls and bombing down.  Brief pause for air at the hairpin then on down and a bouncy climb out, easing through the final swoops to Bridle Path top.  Grabbing some air looking at the view of Lyttelton, then back up the road.

Only til I got to where you can clamber up onto the walking track to climb up around above the road onto the Tors track, straight on blasting down this, tackling the tech with and audience of a couple of young riders down on the road.  Cleaned the usual stallpoint, but then stalled after it.  Bomb down across road onto fun singletrack above the road, nice run through this back to Witch.

Nice cleaning of Witch again, bomb down then climbing the road, ugh, around back to the Traverse, straight in, keeping on pushin' on, blaze blaze blaze, over the jumps in the top of Vic trees, over the See Saw, first couple Brake Free jumps then into the Rock Garden and across the top of the Gums past my cleared log from a few weeks back.  Rolling nice again.  Around, down through my favourites, all the way, then nice relaxing coast down the road and into the last blast from the carpark, swoop swoop, scattering a mum and two kids walking, final climb, up to Microwave tower and fast blast down behind the houses, home.

Good blast, a worthwhile 20kms with 762 metres ascended

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