Monday, February 07, 2022

Waitangi Monday Climby Loco'Loopy

Heesh, what a buncha climbing. 

Grunted my way up, 19th over to Skidder, up gutser to Vic Top.  Brief sojourn down the fun jumpies, over the see-saw, top first section of Brake free and then down the rabbit paddock to the Gummies.  Usual route through here, then out to the skidder and into the exit to the left of the gutser, left into the ^Sick entrance, and left over the lower exit into steep, fun, rooty, and slightly damp Razza's.  Down past the 40footer, assuming Sneaky Ridge would be too greasy, headed down into the dark macracarpas of Brent's, staying high on the left mostly, and being a bit middle aged, as in not totally caning it.  Out the gulch bottom onto Flow - nu bridges down into a fast blast down the valley bottom and a right into the Hidden Valley Bonus.  

Climb-a-climb-climb up the usual steeps, cleaning all the corners and out under the pylon.  Then, instead of straight into the Old Skool, I headed up the 4wd for a ways.  A few zigs higher to the 2nd to last singletrack exit (as you're coming down), peeling into this and riding the techier line along the ledge, across the 4wd into the new rocky sections dropping down and into the off-camber corners then into the Old Skool.  Great blast down here, jumping lots and pumping through, around to the lower section, swerve corner weave, and exiting up valley.

Climby McClimbface up Bowenvale Valley bottom, then into the steep bastard K2, ugh!  Zig across under the 23footer then up it's side and then across onto the rest of it.  More ugh climbing up to pylon, more and more to 40fter and up the last two steep little bastard grunts to the Skidder.  Into the usual 'lower gums' down to 19th, jump, then road down, peel into 235 for a good blitz, not too greasy, and jump landing dry enough, then hooked a right up the wee access track up to road, up to dog carpark into the final down blast behind the houses, home.

Pretty honed 11.5 kms, and 450 m extricated from the gravity well in numerous bursts. 

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