Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Wednesday Morning Recovery (for Nelson) Blat

Good spin out with Nelson still recovering from the 'vid.  Pretty much the same as my last two rides...  Up through the usuals, wee pop round over the two jumps up top then tight right into Worm for to head across the Traverse.  A few stops for breathers across to top of Huntsbury DH Fourpause.  

Good blast down this, jumpity jumping then old route down the twisting and turning tussocks back onto the Landingstrip.  Through the cattle stop onto the singletrack, then finding the Rocky route in, and managing to follow it successfully for a change.  Zig and zag up the back then a break at the top, before hopping over and down, familiarity breeding more speed for me, and blopping down to the bottom of the rocks.  

Right hander here and back up under the cabbage tree on the singletrack towards the landing strip again for the grovel climb to the top of Hunts.  Onto the Traverse again and zippity zip around this all the way back to Vic, dropping down over the cattlegrate to the top of Pedalfine and a nice fang down this, peeling off left where the log got the better of my balance.  Back going again, steep, sketchy and loose down onto the traversing 4wd track; nice roll across to skidder.  

nto the lower gums trail out to 19th, down the road, into 235 and bombity bomb down here, jumps and speed through the oak litter then turning upwards again for the last one out to the tower for the fast bomb behind the houses.

Strangely, more kms than Saturday's - 12, but less climbed - 391 m, even tho we went lower than I had then. 

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