Friday, January 06, 2023

Hot Friday Local

Back in town after no riding in the Bay due to the brakes being done on the Troll.  (have bought some xts for Troll tho!)   

Headed up from home, trying to stay in a bit of shade as much as possible, up the usuals through Vic, hot af up the grunter, then up through Thompson and Thomson.  Roll down through the Kiwi and up the Slummit Rd, up Worsley's Rd and into the Nun.  Stopped in the shade of the pine near the start to cool off a bit, then headed to the top.  Into it, and went to take that gnarly left hand line for the rocky corner, but damn thing was so overgrown eI had to go back onto the mainline.  It's had a bit of work done through it, so isnt quite as bony as it was.  Usual ways across the muppet highway and on down.  I spotted someone riding / walking up it a little lower down (below the road) and so stopped at a high point to wait for them.  First one up was a kid, "my brother had a crash"  I offered to ring for help etc but they were planning on walking all the way back up to the lift to take it down.  He was only a bit dusty and looked like his arm was well scraped up, but nothing broken.  I continued, bomb bomb bomb, up onto road again, and across the Kiwi and up summit to top of Vic.

Into Vic, down, around the nice jumpies, pop and pop, then haul up and over seesaw.  Hard right and nice gentle pedal up to top of Pedalfine where I rested in the shade of the trees and breeze.  Got going again, dropping down through the usual, and hauling left round.  First corner had a branch across it, so stopped and cleared that, then rolled on down, man it's loose, un-ridden and lots of leaf litter.  Onto the 4wd track, along and dropped into Razza's for a fun wee swoop down, then clambering back up, gasping, through Skidder for some water, and over to the left onto the continuation of the gums out to the 19th, then below the road down and off up, then onto the road, then into 235.  Good swoop through here, and grass cleared that was well overgrown last time.  Nice in the forest, bombing round the corners and leaping the jumps, then through the oaks and hung a right up to road, up road, dogcarpark and down the back of the houses, home. 

Nice wee loopy, 10kms, only 375m

Bike into the shop tomorrow, and Fatbike coming away with me to Collingwood.

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