Saturday, November 04, 2023

Saturday Quick Trolling

Little spin into a storm.  What looked to be a wall of weather out on the plains was making its way towards the hills and I knew everything was packing in for Sunday so I jumped on the Troll and headed out and up.  (after first attaching my Fidlock attachment to the frame for bottle).  Stood and ground my way up, good pace and man that bike feels fast and light, so smooth.  Up over 19th, to the skidder and onto my feet for the steepest.  Just up from the Sesame wallride I took off my bushshirt, tying it onto the handlebars, and got pedalling again.  Up to Brakefreezone and across the rabbit paddock to my sunset-seat.  Watched the weather, took the photo, rain started to spit, so headed across Rabbit and into Rocks, down around through the Gums, slick-tech on the Troll, out to Skidder and them bombed down the road, rain spattering heavier, into Dogparkcarpark - 235, slick bomb down here, not as dry as it was the other day, all the way down to the bottom of Harry Ell, and carried bike up shortcut to VicParkDrive and bomb to home.

25 minutes riding-time, a smidge less than 5 kms, 154 m climbed.

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