Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sunday Regroup with the Crew

Parked a ways along Cashmere Rd, near Opihi St, Nelson pulling up behind, and we rode to meet the kids at the bottom of Penruddock. Wayne and (friend? workmate?) Ben in Wayne's car, and Andy in his van, arrived, then Jenna hooned past off the hill and jetted onwards, After a little faffing Andy followed her and Wayno and Ben followed us around the river, then up through to Happy Home Rd and we caught up to Andy a little further along.  

Around Cashmere Road, Jenna still well ahead (we eventually caught her up on C2), into Halswell Quarry Park, and up the trail to the Crock Entrance.  Climbing away, Nelson, as usual, leaving us all behind.  Up C2, up the Crocodile, bit of a rest and regroup at top of Kennedy's Bush Rd, then on up the Low Road, Siberia, and up the evil grunt that is Kennedys.  Nelson well ahead, steaming.  I plodded away, overtaken by a guy on a Meta (titanium?) and one on a Switch-enabled Yeti (not sure which model).  New (temporary) brakepads obviously(!) dragging me back.  Cleaned the whole climb in one sitting though, ouch, gasping for air, really struggling and only just managing it.  At the top I sought shade next to a parked car and rested and we waited for the others.  

Around the road to the Nun, Jenna bailing to meet us at the Kiwi (sore back?).  At the top of the Nun, Robin was waiting for us (having come up Huntsbury and across).  Good blast down this, me trying to a) chase Nelson (marginal, but I kept him in my sights) and b) stay ahead of Andy (which I managed).  Dusty, and rough as guts below the Park exit.  Refilled my empty water bottle at the Kiwi and we headed up the road to top of Vic.

Down and around over the jump, then I followed Nelsie around and did the see-saw, and a couple jumps on Brakefree, then across to the Gums, dropping down the quicker entrance to this, bombing down back and forth and out to the Skidder.  Andy and Jenna split off here, across towards Cool Runnings, Nelson jumped into Dazza's, and I led the rest of the boys off down Shazza's.  We dropped out and down to Sneaky Ridge, hussing down the rocks (on which Robin crashed, uninjured), and Nelson took the No Road Bikes drop in front of an audience of girls.  I wasn't even gonna think about it, so took the usual route around.  Into the oaks and out onto Bridges or Flow or wtf, and then bombing down Nu Bridges back and forth out to the bottom of Hidden Valley Link Bonus, where we waited in the shade.  Wayne and Ben showed up, then Robin, then a call came in from Andy...  Jenna had crashed! Hard.  Faceplant and suspected broken wrist (turned out later after ED, not to be).  

Robin bailed down, Wayne rode back up to get Andy's keys, and Ben came with Nelson and me (having never ridden bonus or oldskool before).  Grunt arse climb up Hidden, then excellent blast down Old Skool.  Popped and weaved, pumped and cleaved our ways down leaving Ben at the end of the road and jetting back to our cars.  

A much longer than I'm used to 25 kms, with a worthy 730m climbed.  I sure felt the effects of it for the rest of the day.  My legs were rinsed.

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