Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Wednesday Evening Local Solo Zoop

Good wee spin on my lonesome tonight.  Quite warm out, and had been wfh getting new windows installed.  

Chuffed up from home, feeling fat and slow.  Usual over the 19th and up the skidder.  A young dude on a Santa Cruz entered the climb about the same time and proceeded to power away from me, making me really feel fat and old.  Survived the climb and proceeded up to the Thomsons, bomb down one and two, then coast through Kiwi and climbing up the road, a million gromlets rolling down the road towards me from the park.  

I bailed over the saddle onto the Gov's Bay track, finding it a little greasy.  Stopped for a quick blackberry munch (finding them a bit past it now) and kept going, around the south sidle and then climbing up the techy rockness.  Cleaned a lot more than recent attempts, tho still dabbed through or walked a couple of bits.  Over the top and dropped onto the lower Nun at the Drainpipe/CaptTorpedo juncture, floating down the rest and popping up onto the road.  Through Dyers Pass and up the Scummit Rd, past some groms walking(!) and on up to top of Vic (where there were more riders stationed).

Dropped in here, down around popped the jumpies, see-saw, then right-hander and along the fenceline up to top of Pedalfine where I perched for a little rest.  The dudes who were at the top of Vic boosted through the jumps and then headed off over down Shrooms/Cowabunga area, and I headed down Pedalfine, seeing them through the vegetation a bit lower down.  I peeled off to the lower left (like last time) and rolled nicely out through to the traversing 4wd track.  Looked at dropping down the bits I did last time, but decided against it and headed along to the bit that leads to Razza's.  Bombed down this, into Razza's and had a lovely hoon down this, one root nearly catching me out.  

Climbing again, up the bastard steepness to the Skidder, and strangely deciding to climb up the grunter again to take in the Gums.  Ugh, anyway, climbed, grunted, and out the top, quick drink and down the rabbit paddock and into the rocks, gums, back and forth, nice roll.  Through the bottom sequence and whooah!  Trail being worked on.  Climbed back up to Skidder and took the 19th route over, then down the road, rolly rolly, and into 235 for a final sweet burst, nearly greasy, good jumps, out through oaks, climb, onto road, climb, then Dog Park/Microwave Tower dropping fast down behind the houses and home.

An propitious 9.8 kms, with 420 m climbed. 

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