Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sunday Norwest Hayfeversville, Exhausting Local Hoonage

As the title says, exposure to pollen and wind, heat and dry. Clambered up to the top of Vic, struggling in the hayfever.  Over the jumpies and down through the cattlestop, hanging a right up fenceline to top of Pedalfine.  Biff boff down this, finding it slick, peeling left on the slightly lower exit to that wee narrow bridge, then across the 4wd track to the entry above Razza's.  Nice drop down this, relishing the roots and gnar.  Hung a right and climbed up to the junction, dropping into the rest of Pedalfine, down into the guts, and out of the forest onto Flow and peeling around into NuBridges, drip drop drap.  

Bomb down and into the Hidden Valley link track, struggling up this, having to stop in the pines on the steepest bit, but cleaning the hairpings.  Up onto Old Skool for a very fun blast, wind blasting, dropping down.  Straight into the valley climb - climbing up valley on the neverending steeps, K2, a couple of walks, riding, then walking in the Rad^Sick zone. Over 19th and down thru 235, meeting the jump/trail building groms. Up then last being houses...

Perspicacious 10 kms with 470 m extricated from gravity.

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