Sunday, April 07, 2024

Sunday Single Sojourn

High intensity singlespeed, up thru Vic, over 19th, through skidder to walk a bit, then breather at the brakefree water fountain, and on up to Thompsons #1, back up the road and up to the stone shelter where I caught up with Doug and had a breather.  MMR uselessly stopped here.  Clambered up to the Sugarloaf carpark, and onto Cedricks Track, across the front, boffed down through the rocky bits in the bush and then out to the road and down onto the Traverse.  Across this back to Vic Park, then blitzed down thru Gums, Lower, out to 19th, below road through usual byways to road corner, then coasting down to 235, dropping in and even jumping the treebranch.  Ballbearings (acorns) are in full effect through here now, be warned! and then clambered back up to the road, and up over below the Dog Park dropping down the singletrack to Harry Ell Drive, fast coast down here, then a brief walk up to our gate. 

MMR crapped out, looks like before I even got to the stone shelter, where it finished, so it was probably about 5 or so kms, with maybe 150 m climbed?

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