Saturday, May 25, 2024

Andy CAPped

Second ride for the day, down in the car with H, parked up in the CAP carpark. Popped up into the office to check our passes.  He surprisingly still had 8 on his card, not expired, whereas mine had 5 left but expired, but the nice young woman on the desk gave me until the end of June to use them up - sweet as! 

Hit up the lift, seeing for the first time close-up the carnage from the fire, and we dropped into Summit Connector, then onto the road and into Choir Boy for a good bomb.  A few people overtook H, so I stopped to let them by too.  Down past 3rd Base, Askins closed, Gungho, and then stopped at Rere Pia, unknown and new to both of us.  In we dropped and it was fun.  Not too tech, quite fast, and quite readable.  Bombed it out behind the Cafe. 

Onto the lift again, turning on MMR half way up, and we dropped in fo rthe same again, doing better with a little knowledge of it.  Not bad. 

2 uplifts, 2 descents...  probably 8km each, so maybe 16kms and 800 uplifted.  So now I have 3 left and H has 6 (before Sept)

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