Saturday, June 01, 2024

Troll King's Saturday Jaunt

On the Troll up to Chorlton and beyond.  Firstly, up to Chorlton.

Then up View Hill Rd, stopping briefly opposite the shearing shed to watch a couple of kereru drinking from a trough,

then riding again as far as I could until I lost traction - in the trees behind the Eagles Nest where the steeep really starts.  Turned around and coasted faster and faster on gravel down to the seal again and hung a hard right through Chorlton and upwards, climbing climbing, til the descent again, descending fast until Wells Back Rd, thinking, again, until I lose traction, but lungs ran out first,

most of the way up, so continued to the end.  Then back down this and back up towards Chorlton for some fast rolling goodness.  Faaast down past the flock of sheep that had just been through the shearing shed, about to come up onto the road, then couple of climbs and descents, final climb to top before heaving over and bombing back down into Little Ak.  Rapidity and flow.  Lovely.  Across the bottom of the beach and through then up to the first corner on Decanter Bay for a view of the bach.
Final run back down here, chat with Jeff on the waterfront, and then back up the road to home.

Valid 17 kms, and 565 m gruntled.

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