Monday, June 03, 2024

Bastard King's Sunset Troll

T dropped me off at Motukarara and I hit the road towards Gebbies.  Dont think I've ever ridden it in this direction.  It was fine, gearing on the Troll was good, and thankfully there wasnt toooo much traffic.  At the saddle I hung a left up the Summit Rd, riding up the 'bastard' for the first time as well.  It was okay.  I stopped once relatively low down because the oiling of the chain I'd done on my Saturday ride had missed about 5 or 10 links, so they squeaked every chain rotation, which was becoming annoying.  Sunset was at 5.03pm and I didnt make the high point under Coopers Knob, Gibraltar Rock adjacent, until 5.09, AND it was a pretty grey evening so light was dim and there were a LOT of cars along this stretch looking at the sunset. 

I bowled along as fast as I could and thankfully didnt have to pull over for anyone, but keeping a damned close eye on lights behind and ahead.  Bombing down to the Kiwi in near dark, I decided to grab the Harry Ell for the descent.  Met 4 walkers, apologising for getting caught out without lights, then Vic Park Drive for the bomb home. 

Dusky 22 kms, with a chilly 716 m climbed

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