Saturday, June 08, 2024

Saturday Some Summit, Vernontroll

Took the Troll out, up through the usuals, 19th, Skidder, then walked up the diagonal (through the gap jump below the Sesame wallride) into the Gums to top pines and then, riding again, up rabbit paddock to top of Vic.  Dived into Thompson's #1 for a nice blat, then back up Summit Rd from here, brief rest up at the stoney shelter, and back on the road heading east into the wind.  Around and out, heading to the top of Vernon, carrying bike on shoulders to top, for a bit of a stretch and no view to be seen with the cloud capping the peak.  

Off down to the north, walking the techy rocks (that'd I'd definitely ride on the Rocky, then some sweet swoopy singletrack down the rest of the way to the mtb trail, hung a hard left and climbed back around to top of Huntsbury.and along Summit to Vernon, carried to the top in the cloud, down the front, some lovely trail, then Traverse all the way back to Vic.  Troll was riding super smooth and fun.  Down through the rocks and gums right through to the road and below this for a blit then onto road through the corners and coasting to the dog carpark and dived straight into the squirrelly squiggly fun times, then climbing straight up to road and fast coast home.

Legit 11.8 kms distanced and 387 m altituded.

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