Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday Night Taylor-made Breeze

Good ride from Taylor's tonight.  Cruised up the valley, making the big escape.  Bit sloppy and rutted in the head of the valley in the steep shit, once past that just a few dabs and mostly a very good climb.  Spotted a moggy up near the top of the switchbacks.  Cleaned out to Livingston Col and over the fence.  Onto Godley and outwards, then at Breeze we headed above the road further out, taking the little sketchy narrow sheeptrail and finding it much petered out.  Got a little lost and then found where it used to be, and then out to the WW2 bunker and over onto Breeze Bay.  Lovely spin down around this, excellent riding, then up the road a little and dropped into Anaconda top and bottom.  Bombing...  The narrow sheeptrail had stuffed my freewheel with grass seed and so I was experiencing a few chain catch issues, but we were nearly done so I put up with it and will deal with it later.  Back to car.  Good spin.  Nice and warm up on the hills and hardly any wind.  Cold in the valley

Ziggy Zaggy, diggy daggy, only 9.9 kms with just over 400 climbed, but good.

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