Wednesday, August 14, 2024

New Bike Day!!

The Jeht arrived last week and has had the Rocky components transferred to it over the weekend by Josh. Picked up last night and Tra'y forced me out of bed this morning (cos I'd been thinking about doing this) to ride up to top of Vic with her (on her E-commuter) as the sun rose.  Riding position a little awkward given the stem and bars not quite being right for the lonnnnng frame, so I pushed her bike and she mine up the steepest part of the grunter.  On up around to the top.  She headed off down the road and I rode the single-track back, around over the jumps, nice, then down into the gums.  The rocks were smooth and fast and my favourite line has a log across it now so I had to take the steep left hander.  Further than I remembered it and quite fun.  Out all the way on single to the 19th where I waited for T and we rode the next bit of road down to the carpark where I peeled off and flew into the greasefest.  Sweet rolling down here and the bike just felt so planted.  Very nice.  Jumped both smoothly and then careened all the way down to the bottom.  Brief jaunt on H'Ell then lugged up onto the road and home.
Sooo Lonnnnnnng compared to the BFe

Enjoyable way to start the day, 5 kms and 156 m climbed.

Update: Deity stem and bars ordered, should be here by end of week.  Weekend will see me riding proper trails to see how it shakes out!

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