Saturday, August 17, 2024

Saturday Morning Jeht Up Down and back Up

Local shake down of the new ride.  And it was good.  

Gorgeous day, sunshine and in most places no wind. Headed up into the park from home, climbing at no different a clip to previously.  New bars and stem definitely making a difference in the way it feels, over 19th, and up the grunter, cleaning it no problem all the way (with one rest).  First difference noticed, climbing steep is easier - not having to focus on the balance point between leaning forward to keep the front down vs the back wheel losing traction, the long wheelbase keeps that back wheel planted and it just keeps chugging.  Puffing hard, up through Brakefree where there was a working bee, topped up my water and kept on to the top, dropping right on Thompson's #1.  After clearing a couple of walkers it was a nice wee spin then back up the road and dropped around down through the jumps, flying nicely, then down the rabbit paddock into the rocks and gums.  Excellent down here, even if lamenting the loss of my old, now log-blocked, route (i'll bring the axe and pruning saw up soon).  Out to skidder and up into top entrance of Razza's, dropping and rolling sweetly down through this, the baulked corner from last time cleared nicely, handling impeccable.  Climb from here up to the corner for a breather, then photo-op... pre drop in.
Dropped from here into lower Pedalfine, dropping down and down into the gully.  Straight into Corporate Ladder, climbing back up around this and up onto Sneaky Ridge with lovely kereru flapping about above me.  Dropped off down Sneaky with the bike handling everything immaculately, boof boff down through around and out over the fence onto Flow immediately behind a couple of other riders who I rapidly caught up to and undertook on the lower trail, stating what great nick that trail was in.  Off down nuBridges at mostly a great pace and then zapping down valley, hauling up to hang the right into HiddenValley bonus climb, and clambering up this, cleaning all the corners wonderfully with my new climbing mojo (with one rest before the last two).  Out onto Old Skool and stopped at the highest point for a good long rest, helmet off and some chugging of the water.

The two riders I'd passed earlier came along and I was just about to take off, but offered if they wanted to go first but they said, "you look better than us." So I said, "I'll try not to embarass myself!" and took off, blasting.  They never caught me, didn't see them til i was on the traverse back across they were above me.  Nice blast down through the rest, bike handling it all with aplomb.  Straight into the climb again, up valley, what a grunt.  All the way up to Hospital Corner no problem, really revelling in the climbability of this beast.  Up the hospital rocks and then a short walk on the steepest bit, then riding all the rest, even over the roots.  Past Texaco and onwards, nice, nice, nice...  Under the pylon, up past 40fter, through the Rad zone, out to Skidder, then quick drop down the 'park' entrance zone, peelign right and out to 19th, below road for nice roll, then back out and coasting roll to dogparkcarpark dropping in for a railing berm ride, jumps, steep right up to lower dogparkcarpark and down from the microwave tower behind houses fast, home.  

Yes, it's heavier then the Rocky, but just climbs so much better.  And on the downs it's SO planted.  Feels awesome.

Sweet as!! A valid 11.7 kms and 480 m climbed.

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