Saturday, September 28, 2024

Saturday Nun other than the Guv'nor

Excellent spin today. Up through Vic, 19th, Skidder, Worm and top. Thompson's 1 and 2, through the Pass and up the road to top of Worsley's, and down the Nun. Across the road onto the Governor's Bay track, dropping merrily down all the way down through all the bushy zigzags, across the driveway onto the DH here down more, around into the valley, a couple of wee ups and downs then on the ridgeline before the last zigs and zags I turned around and climbed back up. 

A fair bit of walking but some good steep riding too. Across the driveway again and tried a new track off one of the earlier hairpins - obviously built for the planting that has been going in there.  Slightly too steep to ride a lot of, I walked a lot and rode a little, all the way up to the last hairpin on the OG track up there before the road. 

Onto lower Nun to the Kiwi, up onto the road, through Dyers Pass and up the Summit then the usual blast route down through the rabbit paddock, Rocks, Gums, all the way down onto road, 235 to the bottom, clamber back to road and home

14 kms and a tiny smidge over 600 m

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