Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Troll to the Witch

Headed up on the Troll, usuals, 19th, Skidder, a wee walk on the gruntsville.  Into Thompson's number one for a nice wee jaunt, then back up hill on the \Summit Rd, staying on this all the way to Mt Vernon.  Up onto the single-track, taking the tech line and sketching the traction down at surprising speed to Rapaki-top, and straight into the Witch.  The tech was interesting on the Troll - surprisingly rideable, and I wondered why those mountainbikers on the road down there weren't riding the mountainbike track when I was managing perfectly finely on the inappropriately-tyred Troll. 

At the end of the Witch Hill singletrack I turned back up the walking track, riding a little, then pushing, then pushing steeper - a fair way up towards the summit, leaving the bike and climbing all the way to the top. Discovered the cool old stone chair up here, with excellent views.  Had a chat to a magpie who was hanging out to check me out, then clambered down back to the bike. 

Back down on the walking track I did a little explore along it back towards Rapaki and found it to be quite amenable until the last tech rocks that I walked the bike on its back wheel down - will ride in future on a 'proper' bike. Riding again, up around Vernon on the road and onto the Traverse, for a good bombing around this, relishing the feel of the bike, even with the minimal traction. Lovely flow all the way.  

Into the top-of-Vic forest, past the jumps, down the rabbit paddock, into the rocks - finally stalling here, then biff boff baff down through the gums, and below - all the way out, onto road at 19th, into dogparkcarpark bomb, a little slick in places, and out To H'Ell, onto the road, blasty blast home.

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