Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuesday After the Rain Singlist

Running H's front wheel, and using all the gears of the BFe: sitting, standing and walking, I hoofed up thru the park, over 19th, Skidder, walked up the grunter, grabbed a drink then up a bit of Worm and then walking track to cross the road and up to the stone shelter where I took this:  

Then it was time for the bomb back down - all the single-track I could muster.  Around past the jumpies, down the rabbit into the rocks and gums for a nice cruise, then out to the Skidder and up over 19th again, road briefly and into the 235 for some slickness to start.  Took the left lower line down and if not for one stupidly placed jump it's riding pretty good.  The lower reaches have been cleared out a bit more, but the little fuckers have built themselves a mansion in there, with corrugated iron and wood...  Doubt the rangers will let that lie for long.  Across the oaks, mucky in there, and then out all the way down to H'Ell.  Climb to road and home. 

The 27.5+ x 2.8inch rolled pretty good, I must say. And there wasn't all that much grease around, either - considering we'd had 19mm of rain up til this morning. 

Marginalia, 5.4 km with only 166 m of upness

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