Sunday, November 13, 2022

Trolling the Chorlton Downs - a first effort post covid

First ride post-covid.  

At the bach for the long weekend, and brought the Troll with me figuring it's basically a 'gravel' bike.  Up to Chorlton finding my low gear as low as needed, with standing the final option but not walking.  From Chorlton I continued towards Okains, nice down, a couple of rollers then steep climb followed by a very nice cruisy descent. I took a wee jaunt up Wells Back (no exit) because I'd never been up there before, and had a nice rest at the top before a fat gravel descent back down to the seal.  Thought about turning back here, but was still feeling pretty good so I rode on towards Stony Bay, dropping down to a good view overlooking the Bay, still at 140 m altitude or so.  

Into the climb back and heading back, fast descents that were slow climbs the other way, but none of the climbs as bad this direction.  Super fast descent back into Little Ak, around waterfront and home.

Good climbs good times, 19.6 kms with 618 m climbed.

I was hammered all day Sunday and into Monday.