Up on the BFe for a blow out blast, getting all my blood and air flowing hard. Up the usual way to the top, walking the usual little bit. Headed straight into Thompson's #1 for a nice wee flow, then back up the road and dropped down around, past the jumps, then down through the rocks and gums all the way out to 19th, below road briefly, then into the Dogpark Carpark trail, jumping all the jumps in here, then grunting up for a second lap of the main bit, finishing with - down all the way through to the bottom, surprising a young woman (or they/them?) peeing on the end of my track just above H'Ell... rolled out to their male friend and said, "I just gave her a fright."
Minimal 6.3 kms grueled and 217 m wrestled from the hill in 32 minutes.
And then i got Covid...