Friday, October 23, 2020

Finally, a ride. Vic Park Quick test.

Finally got out last night, to test the back with some climbing and descending.  We'd taken a bunch of bikes up the hill (to our new house!) last week to clear ours for open homes and so I went up and helped Nelson with the doors in the new room, then rode off out the driveway into what will be my new playground.  Up, climbing feeling pretty good, not bad at all, no back twinges or pain.  Rode up the dirt track next to the road for a start, then up the road past the 19th and into the skidder site, then straight up the guts K2 next to Sesame St, grunting and climbing and actually cleaning it all.  Sweet, still no pain.  Up past Brake Free, and up the Worm and around up to the very top, short and sweet.  

Into the down, around, bailed at the last minute that first gap, then bypassed the seesaw.  Straight down the Rabbit paddock and into the rock garden, around into the gummies, fun, and took the new line which shortcuts the old (favourite) traverse there and back.  Probably wont ride that line much, will favour my favourirte in future, down and through to the 19th again, then back up around a trail taking me to the top of the 19th, above it, a way we've ridden with the Thursday Night Gheybois a few times, but then cut back towards the ranger station and down a line I'd spotted on my way up.  Spits you out by their gate.  Around the road, then past the picnic shelters, past the no bikes sign and around the back of that slide, down past the dog park, then into the descender next to the big microwave tower, spotting a dark, tight, bush track which was not really rideable (but there's promise in that area, just needs work - along with the other side of the road, from the dog park car park pylon zone down to the Harry Ell..., scope for a descending trail in there no one uses that area at all).

Totale Grande, 5.2 kms, with 175m climbed... good first effort

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