Sunday, June 13, 2021

Saturday Kai- Kowhai Kaiterau -koura

Up to Kaikoura for the weekend to Dave's 50th, so, got T to drop me at the Kowhai River Bridge.  

Hit the trail on the true left bank for the long cruisy uphill.  Singletrack, grade nothing, flowing ever forward, with enough little dips to be able to use a little body english on for a pumply addition of power.  Surface was a good gravelly chip, with additional leaf matter humous which could be greasy at times, tho never really lost anything.  If anything, I'd like some of the corners to be bermed a little more so you could carry speed through them more safely.  I had no idea how many kilometres were ahead of me, other than that it didn't look that many on the map.  Turned out (looking on MMR) that it was just under 7 kms to Postmans Rd, from where it was another 3, plus change, on gravel roads to the Mt Fyffe Carpark, with a bit of  a climb up in the last one.  

Then it was into the Kaiterau climbing trail...  Switchback City.  Nicely graded, relatively steep but lots of level(ish) bits, and plenty of wee boosty down-dips before the sweep-grind switchbacks.  Stopped a couple times, once to layer off, was getting hot, even tho it was quite cool.  I was expecting at least an hour, given it was 7 kms over 480m climbed, but pace was kept quite good on the climb and the total time elapsed climbing was only about 40 minutes.  Stopped to take in the wickedly cool view of Kaikoura Peninsula at the top of the track.  

Dropped into the 2.7 km descent, instantly getting plenty of speed for the flowy, occasionally quite jumpy, trail down.  This thing is gonna be amazing in 10 years time when the seedlings and ferns have re-invaded the sides and it's a beautifully formed ribbon of singletrack squirrelling down the hill.  A lot of fun, and all perfectly rideable.  The lower I got the greasier some sections were.  All too quickly it was over and I looked at my watch and only about 13 minutes had gone by.  What a blast.  

Then it was down the original Mt Fyffe track, which was not how I'd ever imagined it, and then through the (very full) carpark, and back down the road, some very good speed down here.  One wee climb then down down down, gravel roads for a little over 3 kms, 3 and a half on singletrack back down the river forest, MUCH faster and cruisier than on the way up, then about 6 kms on tar-seal to Daves place.  Much muckeriness to clean off the bike...  gave it a good hose down, then took myself to the motel and got cleaned up for the party.

A long slowly climbing then slowly descending ride, with a good peak in the middle, over a smidge under 30 kms, and 580 m climbed 

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