Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sunday Stelliot Pincair Slyx Aunting

If the kids had been skiing (as planned - but, weather), or I'd communicated with T better (ie, me knowing that I didn't need to 'rush' back home to 'parent'), I had been planning to take the Fatty in the back of the car to the planting then heading to Mt Grey for to ride it, then was possibly going to head further north for a visit to the Sanctuary. 

Instead I ebiked to the Elliot Sinclair sponsored planting, planted lots of plants with some very nice people, scoffed a couple sossies, then ebiked home via a slightly different, and surprisingly (slightly) longer, route.  Going, I took Strickland - Antigua - Rolleston - Hagley Park (where there was a running race clusterfucking the bikeway, making me ride on the grass which made my bungy unhook which could have caused all sorts of carnage for me.  Rossall St, then up the Railtrail allll the way, and beyond, up the gravel block, into an assortment of wee park trails to Regent Spark, straight to the planting.

Fun riding at walking speed through to the actual site, til it got too soft of dirt...

Then Homewards, same route back through Regent Spark, but at Sawyer Sarms Rd followed that bike route through Pap, Rutland, Trafalgar to complete the entire length of Colombo home.  

15ish kms there, 16ish kms home again

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