Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tuesday night Boulder Gods, Breezily De-scaped

Met Nelson in Taylor's a bit after 6 pm.  We hit the gaspy climb of the Snake's tail, along which I remembered to start the MMR (at 6.30).  Trails were gonna be wet so we were poaching walking tracks, and found pretty much everything to be pretty firm.  

Boulder Bay track out to the end was fun.  I really like the exposure of the cliffs and sea surging and smashing on the rocks below.  Grunty wee climb up from the bay and we hung a left at the Asbestos signs, heading all the way to the gun emplacements, which are all barricaded off.  Snuck over the fence and over the Head onto the zig zag down the other side, a lot of water on the track in places, but nothing soggy.  Up the steps and the buildings are all fenced off (pretty half-arsedly I might add).  We navigated up around them then back on the main track back up to the Godley Head carpark.  

Up the ridge from here to the Breeze Bay track around the back.  Spectacular lights of Lyttelton shining in our eyes on this fun section around and back down to the col.  On the road from here, no cars met, all the way to Livingston Col and onto the Taylor's Escape.  This was in pretty good nick.  Most sections were sweet as, but some very soggy boggy bits wherever gully streams encountered it, and we walked all of these.  One at the top, then a couple of bits down in the bottom gulch.  Sweet sweet riding, tho under lights is not something we've been used to this winter at all...

A laudable 11.something kms with (I assume) just over 400 m climbed. (given I started MMR late).     

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