Sunday, October 02, 2022

Sunday Grease Skool

Greasy spin out with Nelson today.  Up the usual from mine, road, grass, over19th trail to Skidder and up the gutser, what a grind.  Up Worm and onto the Traverse.  Not many around as we'd left mine just after 8, so the usual 9am Rapaki crowd hadn't arrived out this far yet.  Good going around this, a few puddles around after the smattering of rain we'd got overnight.  All the way to the end of Traverse, then decided further east would be skittery, so we headed back to the HuntsburyDH, with trepidation.

Skittery AF down this.  Rocks with minimal grip, we skittered and pinged our way down, skipping one or two of the jumps each.  Over the final gap and then into the continuation, grabbing the old left and sketching around this trail, then across the landing strip and into the climb over the techy wee Rock Up.  Both bailed on the final descent as grip just wasn't happening.  Decided to climb back over and drop into AliExpress and Old Skool.  A bit sketch down the first drop to cattlestop, then into the 'new' detour section, which was one big greasy sheepshit.  One dab, but trickeriness was in action.  Further down, and more sketch on slick rocks, on and on.  Somewhere we stopped and Nelson put a bit more air in his tire.

Into Old Skool, and mostly good but the odd ping from rear wheels and keeping to the lowest line possible.  Lots of fun, and a bit of adrenalin to boot.  Straight into the climb, and the grinding grunt began.  Ugh, I've GOT to get in and build a climbing trail, it's just a bit ridiculous how horrible the climb is.  Grind grind grind noticing Nelson's rear tire was a bit low under the pylons, pumped it up.  Kept grinding and over the 19th.  He wasn't behind me, but then I saw him on the road below, nursing the low tire.  He continued down the road, while I peeled off at the lower dogpark carpark do run the fun down behind the houses, to home. 

Just shy of 13kms with a commensurate 542m clambered

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