Saturday, April 01, 2023

Saturday Shopping Expedition via the Top.

T and me both on our E bikes, headed up from home, through skidder and pushed up the grunter.  I started my MMR there.  Rest of the way up through to top of Vic and then zoomed along the Slummit Rd all the way to Mt Pleasant.  Down here, left into Upper Hornbrook, Views, Ridge- and Clear-, then ally path down to Major Hornbrook proper.  Bombed down here, around, Freeman and Michael, Canon Hill, alley way down to Te Awakura then down St Andy's to the lights, over the bridge and across onto the new cycleway.  Hung a left into Charlesworth, and detoured to show Tra'y the TFC extension.  Onwards around Charlies then straight up Spinwood all the way.  Across Woodham and around the river to Swann's bridge, then back upstream along the river all the way to Pikos whereuponst I bought some of my flour.  

From here, a visit to Pom's for a couple of beers (wine for her) and chips, then home along the river all the way past the strip, etc, the long way, Grove, church, Simeon, Thorrington, eventually with plenty of battery (surprisingly) to spare (riding on the lowest setting for a good portion helped, methinks).

Reasonable 35ish kms (i started MMR late) with over 700m climbed.

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