Saturday, June 10, 2023

I am Saturday's Curious Orange

Joy's birthday brunch at the Lyttelton Coffee Co, be-speakered Mike on the decks, Troll in the back of the car. T had a lunch date at 12 so I was to ride home from here. 

Up thru Lyttelton, Oxford, Exeter, Canterbury, Somes, and onto the Major Hornbrook Track.  Lots of steps, and rocks, quite mucky and slippery up into the clouds... Carried numerous times, mostly the worst rocky bits and a few flights of steps. 

Onto the Summit down out of the clouds around under the Gondola, sunshiny view below, then climbing from Bridle-top back into the clouds for the rest of the way.  Stopped for a breather at Castle, and sat on a dry spot on the road, chatting to a couple who rode by and then getting complimented on my bike as I departed by another couple.  In the clouds all the way around, stayed on the Summit road, then entered top of Vic Park and skedoodled down around and down the main tracks, bombing through skidder out of the clouds and sunshineing all they way home.

12.79 kms and 735 m climbed. Good ratio

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