Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sunday, Uplifted Park and Kennedy's Victorious

With Higgs again, in training for the Paparoa in a month's time.  Up from home, through towards skidder and hung the right down the swoop-de-swoop, down road, across and into the 'new' entrance to the Park.  Plop blop down there and H was keen on Askins again, so in we bombed.  Pulled over a couple of times to either have a breather or let some grom past, then out down the bottom.  Onto the lift and whooshed to the top.  Down Summit Connector, and we pulled out onto the Summit Rd, riding up around and over to the top of Kennedy's.  

Fast bumpy run down this, H was glad we hadn't climbed it, which was my original plan.  Down through the croc zone, staying on the C2 side, we dived into Mish Mash, which had a few surprises - fun for me, less so for him.  Out the quarry park and onto the road, climbing, descending, climbing and descending the small humps around.  

Along the straight of Cashmere Rd H decided he didnt want to race into the park to beat the 4 oclock closing so he bailed with my bus card for the bus and I hauled arse up through into the Park again (took 10 minutes) and uplifted to the top again.  Summit Connector, down onto the lower Nun, bombing through this, a bit drier than it was last week, then at Kiwi climbed up the road and into top of Vic.  Nice jumpies then down rabbit into rockgarden, gums, over 19th, down road, into 235, fucky as muck in the usual spots, and then climbed back up to bottom of Dog Park and bombed down behind the houses, home.

Blustery 28.9 kms with 1223 m ascended. (two uplifts = ~800m, meaning just over 420 climbed myself).

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