Monday, December 18, 2023

Saturday Trolling Ada

Quick spin up and back on an empty stomach.  Fueled by coffee (and a banana just before I left), I chugged the Troll up through Vic, walked a bit above skidder, then up onto Thompson's #1 and a bomb down Summit to Kiwi.  Across and onwards up the road, catching a guy below Worsley's on a well packed 'packing rig heading out for a hundred kms or so.  We chatted as we cruised around and at Kennedy's I peeled left up the quad track to the top of Mt Ada.  Been planning this ride for ages so was good to finally grab it.  Made me think maybe I'll aim to peak all the tops along here on the Troll...  Mt Cass next!  Apparently Ada was Cass's wife.  Anyway, brief carry up the rocks, two asian women were up top, and left not long after I arrived, leaving it for me on my own.  Took a couple of good pics 

and brief chat to Doug.  Then hit the down.  Tight single long grass track to start with, then fast bombing quad to road...  then, road road road aero, pedalling keeping speed then aero speed down to kiwi, across Dyers and up up to Vic, straight in, down the 4wd, speeeeed through skidder and road home.

Nice and warm, 14.25 kms, 472 m climbed.

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