Monday, May 20, 2019

Moonday Under Water

To and from the tasting by the most direct route. Troll behaving admirably - saved me from ruin on my way home.  As I entered the park, a stick, right on the apex of my cornering - when the front wheel was at its most vulnerable point - barely even wobbled me.

Spectacular moon shining, 2 days since full. 

Then on the railtrail section north of Strowan Rd, a freight train. Thought it was doing to be a free ride... Got up to speed, engine overtook, then carriages, wind picking up, then - F U M E S . Ugh, gasping for breath. Dragged along in the roiled fug. Unbearable. Made me wonder about long term exposure to those, quite dirty, petrochemical compounds. Finally as the train passed on ahead the vacuum sucked in fresh(er) air, buffeting to fill the void left behind by the train.  On Friday night, on our way home from our play, T and I had the same train, but with the wind in the western half that time the fumes were on the other side...

16.8 kms total, (8.4 kms each way) 

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