Sunday, May 05, 2019

Sunday Styxed Townie

Met the crew (Steve, Pete, Nelson, Wazza, Wayno and Andy) on the rail trail (I'd backpedalled down stream for a couple of blocks to meet them) and we skedoodled north to Cosy Cafe for a quick beverage before proceeding up Cavendish and into the reserve to the planting.  MMR fucked out on me there, not recording my wandering around planting, carting mulch from pile to plants, and then riding through to the bbq and about a bit, before heading home, via Cosy Cafe (expecting to meet the family there), which turned out not to be the cafe the fam were going to, so then rode Cavendish to the cafe on Sawyers Arms Rd, then riding home with Jet through back streets.  Quite the combo.. 8.5 kms there, including a bit of the wandering about, then 5.8 kms home via that backstreet way.

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