Monday, August 24, 2020

Sunday Crotchal Planting in the Groyne

First off, have put the Surly Sunrise bars off the fatty onto the Troll (and will either buy another set or retrieve the ones off the Little Ak bike to get some back on the fatty), and I must say, they've really buttied up my Troll.  It feels like a giant BMX commuter now.  Firm, surefooted and strong.

Left home after 9 and met Steve and Pete at Northcote Rd / rail-trail juncture, to head for the planting at the Groynes.  I left home earlier than necessary, and thought they'd probably come via the Trafalgar St, Rutland, Northlands, Sawyers Arms route, so after a few laps of the bmx/pump track I waited facing Sawyers Arms direction.  Ring-a-ling from behind me, and they had indeed traversed Northcote Rd.  Got trundling along at the fancy pace of Steve's leckie and we cruised Tuckers round up Cavendish to the Cosy Cafe.  Coffee, and onwards upwards through Regent Spark and across to Northwood, through here, Englefield Park and up Connemara to Johns and around into the Groynal region wheretoforeto plant the Trees for the Canterbury.

Easy digging, lots of mulch and I seemed to be able to put my back into it..,  Anyway, couple and a half thousand plants and we were done by midday, so pretty good going - largely thanks to the Phillipino Brotherhood bros.  Troopers, they are.

Scoffed some sossies and hit the road home, same way, dissecting at Northcote again, and I skipped home via St James Park.

8.9 kms there, 8.5 kms back again.  With (a pointless even recording) 12 and 14 m of altitude gained respectively.

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