Thursday, August 13, 2020

Thursday Lunch "Hour" Bottle Ache with Go-go

Higgs and me skedoodled out to Blotto-ed Lake with the bikes on the back.  A couple laps around the pumpy jump tracks firstly and then headed into the lake.  The right hand turn is closed right now, but we wanted to go the left route anyway, so headed on in.  Great being on the fatty, it really is like a giant bmx (with gears).  And I can't believe how much the trees have grown.  That first section, Go-go had referred to as "the Open Section" which is certainly not open anymore.  Bomb bomb bomb, I started catching up to a guy so stopped and H and me got our asthmas under control and took off again.  I caught the guy up in the next section, a bit before the pond in there.  Stopped here and waited for H.  Good stop here then back into it. 

Good flowing and fun riding from here onwards.  I stopped and gave the tip to Hugie wherein you power on the downs and ease up the ups.  Good fun.  Got caught up by some dudes at the Spenser Park turn off.  They'd left the cars a little before us, but must have gone out the beach way, somehow.  Anyhoo, they headed towards Spencer, and we took 'Muddy Rd' along the way, and on into the forest. 

Everything has grown so much.  It's crazy.  It is basically 2 years since I last did a proper Bottle Lake loop... 'course, I've skimmed the beach edge a couple times more recently but the seedlings of not that long ago are now towering over the trail with lush foliage.  Those guys passed us again in the dark of what was one time called 'Andrew's Favourite Bit.'  After this, they've resurrected a section that had been blown out for a few years from logging, the replacement trees are all quite tall already, and you don't have to go into the 'temporary' dark tall forest with a terrible surface anymore (you still can tho - we just chose the 'new'/old way).  It flowed into a section I remembered from days long passed, and then back into the recent sections to finish. 

A whopping 9.3 kms, and 70 m climbed!

Now, the question is, are we going back into Lockdown?

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