Friday, October 15, 2021

Friday Wilderness Flat T(r)ack

On our way to the Poon, detoured a short jaunt up the Old Chch Rd to the Wilderness Trail for a warm up the legs and stretch them after the few hours in the car.  Parked and rode, around a water race / ponds to the intake, which was quite an impressive hunk of infrastructure, then were on the track to the Trapper's Rest, closed up at the moment, then onwards.  Some nice forest, birds, trail not much to write home about.  Made the Kawhaka Saddle (which didnt look like it would fuck your car) and turned around.  Fast fun descent back to Trappers and onwards down to the intake, then back, into the wind, to the car.

20.67 kms all told, with a smidge shy of 200 m climbed.

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