Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thursday Single Tops

Up with Tracey and Jet to start with, her riding O's bike (cos I thought she'd need the front suss) and me on the Singlist.  We rode together all the way up to the Skidder site where her and Jet turned back.  

I trundled over to the grunter and proceeded to walk the bit I always walk.  Misty fog was ploughing across the tops, making for minimal visibility once up in it.  Instead of turning right up through Brakefree I continued up the walk track, pushing up the steps, through the two gates then up onto Worm, left, then right, through the trees and around to the top of Vic entrance.  Across the road, up the walk track pushing lots to where I could ride through the Sugarloaf carpark then onto Cedric's Track across the front, all in fog.  Over the stile and carrying up the rocks to the top.  Descent here is steep, tech, rocks - a bit hard on the singlist, marginal on the Rocky (I would think).  

Across the road to the Traverse and a couple of riders hove into view, the second one yelling out.  It was Craig and Nelson (doing the yelling).  We stopped and chatted a bit then they continued on and I headed in the Rapaki direction.  Stayed on Traverse all the way around to the road, then, still in fog, therefore stealth, I headed into Scott's Knob, riding over the top down, then pushing up the next section and riding the fun descent down and onto the next open bit through to the carpark I'd passed through earlier.  Back across the road here and back onto the Traverse, this time heading towards Vic.  

Down through the top of Vic, past the seesaw, down the rabbit into the rocks, picked carefully through, across top of gums, around and down my usual flowy wee way.  Then continued on through, across road below Skidder, around back up to road, coasting then 235, blitzy blitz til grease then down and out the H.Ell shorter version to road, blast down home.

Grand total of 9.38 kms, and 377 m climbed.  Okay for a singlespeeder.

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