Monday, December 20, 2021

Monday Night Vic Explorations and Old Skool

Great ride tonight with more down than up. Drove down and met Nelson in Bowenvale Ave and we left his car there, driving his bike up to mine. We faffed a tad, oiling chains then got rolling, and in the process I completely forgot to turn on Map My Ride!

Up into Vic Park, observing the scour on the walking track from the previous week's month's worth of rain that had put all the gravel of the track down on Vic Park Drive and outside the Tahake.  Up the usual 19th route over to Skidder and up the guts.  

At the top of this we dropped for the first time (for me) into Radi Garden.  Steep and tech, but not as evil as some, not bad.  Spat out at that Rad^Sick corner, we drudged up to (what we now know is called) Razza's for a fun wee down this, buffing the rhoids.  Back up to the Rad^ corner and along the lower of the two 4wds, then up a steep one, which took us up to the top of Cool Runnings.  Nelson climbed his bike up a steep piece and we looked around up there, SO MANY TRACKS, and then I walked back down and he dropped it.  From here, strangely, we found ourselves riding up Upper Fenceline, all the way up to the fence and then pushed up to top of Pedalfine.  First time tried a new down - Cowabunga which may also be called Shrooms, looking at and choosing various options at each road, all the way down.  Eventually we got to the bottom after various harrowing or exciting adventures, and rolled out the bottom onto ?Bridges, taking the lower old techier line, then down Nu Bridges too.  Decided here to head up valley briefly and walked up the walking steps onto the surprisingly fun flowy zip thru to the Hidden Bonus for the final(ish) climb, to Old Skool, and down this at not quite warp factor 10.  I was following Nelson and noticing that he kept muppetting through rock sections incoherently, so now and then I blasted up behind him through smooth "dont take his line" lines.  Good blast down the bottom corners, and onto the main drag for a cooling roll down to the car parked in the shade.  

No maps, but estimate about 8-9 kms ridden, with around 300 m climbed, but an additional couple hundred descended...

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