Sunday, December 12, 2021

Sunday Escaping Taylor's God-Snake

Slightly overhung ride after an awesome gig last night. 

Met Nelson just after 9 am at Taylor's and we headed off up the valley.  An orienteering / rogaine event happening around us (based in the valley), so we saw them running around looking at their maps (and gps's?) pretty much the whole ride.  Climbing proceeded to rinse the toxins from my system with lots of heavy breathing and heavy sweating.  A couple of steeps in the gully but mostly very nice climbing - it's a great addition to the Chch network.  Now, if they'd just build one in Bowenvale or Vic Park that climbs so nicely!  Across the top to Livingston Col, and we climbed straight up the steep, which got the better of me a couple of times, eventually looking for, and not finding, the trail across to the main track.  Onto the main track and climbing, up over the two boardwalk sections and stopped at the summit.  

Good rest here overlooking the ships and sea and grey haze, then we turned around and bombed back down the way we'd just come, staying on the main track for a smooth and fast fang down to Livingston, onwards climbing up over and dropping down to Breeze, long grass whipping our legs and arms.  

Across and up the trail onto the skinny trail super overgrown and surprising us at every pedal stroke.  Across to the lookout bunker, and a bomb down through to the road, and onto the below-the-road OG Godley for heading back to Breeze.  I kept a good pace, tho obvs Nelson was quicker, and when it points downwards a little bit I rounded a corner and there he was on the track.  Nice frontwheel wash crash.  Onwards again and we headed up the road to the top of the Anaconda 'new' entrance.  

Fun blast down the swoopy swoops, around onto the old and bombing, railing a good berm or many, down onto the Tail, for a very hard to see through the grass swoopy pump around to Briden's Bush and a rocky tech finish into the fast blast ending.

Hayfeveredly good (mmr belated start), 12 and a half kms with 480odd climbed.

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