Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday Ride of Two Portions

Needed to pick up the car from Sumner after leaving it there from Ann & Jimmy's wedding Saturday night. 

Set out from home on the Rocky, up into Vic Park, onlly to find it completely closed form the gate, All Tracks for Fire Response, so, figured I'd ride up the road to Summit and along.  Dropped down to Harry Ell and onto the Dyers Pass Rd and pedalled.  It's actually not that bad mostly, just a couple of narrow sections cars cant pass safely, but mostly there's almost a lane, in the gutter, that you can stay left of the white line.  Got to the Kiwi and nope, no go - cones, Road Closed, a cop car on the other side, and a dude on this side saying, "sorry". So, back down to home, cop on my tail for a bit of it, and peeled home - just under 7 kilometres done, 250 m climbed.   

Rocky away, Troll out, change of shoes and off down Longhurst, carrying and wheeling down the steps, carrying up the steps and onto Holliss Ave, ooh, rear tyre a little low, sketchy...  Down, crossed over Centaurus onto Sloan, over the bridge, back around the bottom of the Loop onto Eastern Tce along to next pedestrian bridge, then over into the park where I put some air in the tyre (in the shade).  From here up onto Centaurus, around and right, then into the wee alley way through to Korimiko, Wilsons, Beckford, through the NW carpark to Wades/Prossers, alleyway to Derrick, over the bridge, Ford, then around the river on that side to the next bike bridge, Sheldon, Radley Park, along the tow path, over the motorway bridge back to the northside of the river and Towpath all the way around to Ferrymead Bridge.  Over the road and onto the bike path to Sumner, all nicely finished now.

A varied and interesting route across the flatlands - slightly less than 16 kms and weirdly 150 m climbed. Nice

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