Thursday, February 15, 2024

Thursday Smokin' Hot Green Pleasantry Captains

Excellent recalibration ride with Nelson tonight.  Parked up in Scumnervale and set off around the foot of the hill, briefly stopping to feast on blackberries before skedoodling up the old skool Captain Thomas and the rest.  Next it was the long slog up the road to the pines, onto the Shit Track for a short climb to the road, around to and up, slogging on the gravel on Broadleaf to the top of Pleasant for a good view back up the harbour to the Port Hills Fire 2.0. 

Into the descent and fark it was bony! Nelson pinged off every single rock there was. I had some good flow on, weaving and twisting - all the while being careful not to crash given the wounds I'm nursing after my commuting crash last Friday in the wet. Meandering around the new fence infrastruction, and through the ruins, and into some hard work descending, majorly fatigued by halfway and we needed a break.  Out of practice obviously.  Into the lower reaches and the weed-eaten grass was fairly off putting, and, thinking it would be slippery - neither of us wanted to push it too hard, but otherwise I dont think we were any slower than usual. Nice flow otherwise. 

Finally, the Captain. Whooee. Great blast down here, cleaning all the usual cleany stuff and blazing away.  Into the lower reaches, loving the pop and twist, weaving through the tech, very awesome. 

Grand total of16kms(!) and somehow 638 climbing points

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