Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sunday Hot Stuff Thomas and Bony Greenwood

Otie and me met Nelsie at Slumnervale and we fixed O's gears and rear brake before we got cracking. 

Off up the Captain, O coping well on most of it, tho getting off for some bits of steep.  Hot work until finally we were in some easterly breeze which cooled nicely.  I was feeling surprisingly good considering my Friday night epic - surprising what one day of recovery yielded.  Hit the Scummit Road and toodled, hot work and then the shade of Jollies Bush was a real relief.  At the Richmond Pines we headed over the stile into Greenwood, and O didn't want to go all the way to the towers, so he headed up the 4wd track towards the gun emplacements, and Nelson and me headed up Sheepshit Alley, then into Britten, around the top and straight up Broadleaf.  Nice views from the top of Pleasant, and chatted to a nice girl from who'd only recently moved to Chch from Rotovegas (with her nice Weimarana who carried her own water in a wee doggy backpack).  She was keen to know more about Chch trails.

Off we headed down, zip zip zip.  Hooked up with O then headed into Greenwood proper.  Excellent blast.  Bony bastard rocks lessening O's enjoyment.  Thankfully Nelson had stopped after Gloomy and we had a bit of a rest before blasting off down the rocks.  Fang fang, pop pop, clatter clatter.  Fun times.  Across Evans and into the Captain.  Woot fest, speedy dusty descending, tight on Nelson's tail til my phone rang, then off again and blasting.  Cleaning everything except the usual uphill, and blazing away down the dry dry dusty clay lower down.  Nearly lost it in the rut on the last big corner. Then, over the stile and down through Slumnervale park and back to the cars.

A delightful 15 kms, with 585 m climbed.

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