Monday, April 20, 2020

COVID-19 Locals

T and me got out on Saturday, nice leisurely cruise through suburbs un-explored.  Never really sure where we were headed the whole time, we snuck up on the the pylons that start/end at the Substation on Greers Rd, and proceeded to zig and zag through 1960s suburbs (same age as my childhood-burb) following the  pylons and looking at houses, all on very quite streets I never knew existed (altho, I realise now we may have almost ridden past an old (highschool) girlfriend's parent's house.  Farrington Ave, Wairakei Rd we struck out on our own away from the overhead wires.  Left into Charlcott, Everest, and Nepal Pl, into a park O used to longboard in, which has a pumptrack.  We meandered around this park, keeping Social Distance and then explored around a bit loop of newer suburbia.  This whole area used to be a wild wasteland - gorse, blackberry, willows; with a gravel quarry pit half full of water that was slowly filled in through all the years of my growing up.  Back into Nepal, avoiding people (so many people!), and more meandering, working through to find a small shortcut park, then down under the pylons again, and cut through to Memorial Ave.  Explore down an exclusive cul-de-sac and up to Burnside Park, but deciding against that and deciding to take the tailwind express home.  Back through backways and by-alleys to Burnside grounds, then back streets and alleyways home.  Very nice 12 kms thank you.

Prior to this there were a few more local loops with the dog after his miraculous survival of crashing into a car.  After a telephone doctor's appointment I had drugs to pick up, so T and me set off on Friday to the chemist in Bealey Ave next to the 24hrs.  This was a ziggy zaggy convoluted route there, followed by a very direct shot for home. 11.3 kms in all

Wednesday dog run...

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