Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Anzackery Weakened - last of the Level 4

Saturday - Zig and Zag, there and back, to the old hood to drop some (late) easter eggs off for Hayles.  15 kms.  I'd forgotten my MMR was on for about half an hour, so there's a long tail on the graph (or lots of squiggles if you zoom in to home).

Then, later in the day, another 9.3 kms with Gogo and T, we zagged and zigged, then straightshot down the railtrail into Mona Vale, round and out, then round Girls High, and stopped and had I a beer (Party & Bullshit) and they had coke (T's with a spot of voddy in it) on the river near the swing, as the sun got lower in the sky.  Ripper Autumn colours everywhere, followed on down river and then back up Mill Brook Stream Reserve and home via the streets and Railtrail.

Rocketship with Jet on Sunday, fast down the railtrail, but slow on the return up Westholme and Bounty..  Sniffed and peed on every landmark on the way home.

Yesterday, Anzac Day Observed, broke myself mowing the lawn (couldn't finish it) but after a good rest I fixed a flat on the back of the Ghetto Globe and took Jetty out for a short usual spin (no MMR, but short (3kms?).  He has to be on the lead the whole time so I try to travel so's not have any tension on the lead as much as possible.  This involves keeping up with him when he's bombing it, or detouring to a tree or post and hovering momentarily while he leaves his pee-mail to the other dogs.   At these pauses I try not to put a foot down to avoid the pain that gives me.  Reaaalllyy slow going on the way home.

Tuesday, just before dinner, Ghetto Cruiser around the hood with Mister Cutie here:

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