Monday, May 04, 2020

Level 3 Lockdown Weakend Alleyway Cruising...

Saturday saw us do a nice reasonable sized ride, at some relatively low speeds, with Bec and Tra'y.  T and me left here and zagged and zigged to Bec's, collecting her and a few supplies, and we roamed the wild city streets of Merivale and whatever that Bristol St, Holly and Onslow area is called, in search of enlightenment and good-times.  These two things came in droves (well, not really).  Meandered and cruised, Bec not the quickest treadler.  Scattering metric fucktonnes of people who were besmirching the toothsome pathways of North Hagley Park.  The rest of our travels were relatively dipshit-free, past Girls High, up Matai, Harakeke and dipping through Daresbury Park, then Weka, Makora and the backways of the (Fendalton?) bowling club.  Detoured the native tree streets (Puriri and Totara) to Riccarton House, where we parked ourselves on the river bank, watching the ducks, supping on a couple of beverages, and noshing some meat and sundried tomatos.

Fun had, we continued, through the streets, along the riverside at Uni (the fun singletrack bit), and then through the uni, discovering (again for me) the path through past the Uni Community Garden, all the native planting that was started when I was there (20-25 years ago) and marvelling at how big it is now.  Kahikateas of a good size already.  Out and back to Ilam Rd along this, then Coldstream Court, Gleneagles and through Cobham Intermediate, quick detour down Christchurch's most pretentiously built street (ugh! Chateau fucking Drive, what a bunch of disgusting 90s starter-castle McMansion tat! Zero taste), skirting an edge of Jelli Park and Burnside HS, and then as many alleyways as possible home.

A reputable 19.5 kms.

Another pointlessly measured cruise a little later for to walk the dog - nice for him.

I mean, look how happy he is:

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